


website design

Project Details:

Client: Karen O’Reilly
Business: Employflex / Employmum
Size: Small | Medium Website
Tech: WordPress | ACF | Bootstrap | Automation
URL: https://employflex.ie/

Interested in discussing a project? Please touch base below, I would be delighted to hear from you.

Project Deliverables

Karen approached us with an idea for flexible employment options and a flexible return to work format that would be eventually be split into two seperate projects in Employflex and Employmum. Both projects to be uniform in design however showcase different brand qualities.

Design and Brand work was carried out by Ray Hurley before hand off which led to development in WordPress using ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) as our primary means of giving agency to the client in terms of content management and facilitating specific functionality requirements such as jobs posting, cv uploads and user registration.

wordpress, acf, adbanced custom fields, web design, web development, EmployFlex

Project launch was in 2019 with continued growth Employflex now sees increased organic visits on a daily basis with new job postings going up and a healthy on-boarding of valuable content from the client Karen.

Karen had this to say about project development:

Ray and Gareth were very efficient and responsive to all our queries and issues when building our website in 2019. From initial meeting to project delivery, they were lovely to work with and were able to explain everything in layman’s terms so we could update the website ourselves going forward.

Karen O’Reilly | Founder Employflex & Employmum

List of deliverables

  • Custom theme design
  • Branding & Media
  • WordPress development with ACF
  • Jobs listing functionality
  • Dynamic blog filters
  • User registration & CV upload
wordpress, acf, adbanced custom fields, web design, web development, EmployFlex
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