– Project Details:
Client: Anthony Collins
Business: The White Lady Hotel
Size: Medium Website
Tech: WordPress | Automation | Booking Engine | Photography
URL: https://whiteladyhotelkinsale.ie/
Interested in discussing a project? Please touch base below, I would be delighted to hear from you.
– Project Deliverables
This Kinsale Web Design project for The White Lady Hotel Kinsale required a refresh on their ageing website which was originally curated over 10 years ago. We came on board to update both the design and establish modern technology best practises with mobile first web design, modern accessibility standards and search engine optimisation upgrades through technical SEO.
During my meetings with Anthony and Roman it was clear they have a unified vision for what The White Lady Hotel should be and having that represented on their website was paramount. This meant embracing the heritage of Kinsale and The White Lady’s connection to the town, both physically and figuratively – with it’s beautiful bar being built from the timbers of the old mill that once dominated kinsale’s inner harbour you could really sense the pride and respect the owners have for this business.

To give the website a modern lift we also employed the work of award winning photography Vitaliy Makhnanov who through his platform All About Us Video delivered best in class imagery to truly emphasise the character present at The White Lady Hotel – thanks to Vitaliy’s work we were able to fully represent each core pillar at The White Lady and showcase it’s award winning Bar, Restuarant and Hotel in the light it deserved.

Yearly stat increase since our project launch last year show positive growth in traffic acquisition and a healthy event count providing The White Lady Hotel with scope for new customer interactions and business growth.
– List of deliverables
- WordPress Theme & Content Population
- Branding & Media
- WordPress Custom Development
- SEO Optimisation
- Domain & Hosting Management
- Bespoke Photography
- Booking Engine Integration